2014 June
This guide is divided into two sections. The first section is all about getting niche ideas. Once you have a list of niche ideas, section two will help you analyze the list of niches and “prune” it down to only the most profitable niches. We know from the numerous polls & surveys we’ve done, that niche research & niche selection are areas that many people struggle with.
This guide will help you in choosing and qualifying niches. There are almost as many ways to look for, find, or target niches as there are niches themselves. Niche ideas are all around you, offline and online. I'm about to share with you 21 resources and ways to get good ideas for niches. Get out a pad and a pen and make a list of potential niches because you're about to discover literally thousands of them.
There are profitable niches everywhere; I want you to write down the ones you resonate with. You don't need to be an expert in a niche to break into it.