Mastering the Adwords Cash Mountain
2015 October
2015 October
Subscribers may access:
39 page eBook
When you master Adwords then traffic is no longer a problem!
Here is what you could be learning just minutes from now:
- The precise steps that must be taken in order to setup a campaign properly - CRUCIAL!
- 1 sneaky trick you can do with Adwords to see inside your market and find out exactly what they want to buy from you!
- The single biggest mistake that people make which renders all their hard work useless - and they don't even notice! (until they crash and burn when they run out of money and have no sales to show for it)
- The 7 quick fixes you need to help you get an awesome quality score so Google will absolutely love your campaign! (cheap clicks here we come!)
- The most important part of your whole campaign which will make or break you more than anything else (if you think it's the product you're way off!)
- The types of keywords you MUST use if you ever want to make some profit...
- The exact wording that changed an ad with a 1% click through rate to a 19% click through rate overnight!
- The ONLY time you should be in position 1 (steer clear of it apart from at this time!)