2017 August
By: Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Inventor, author, printer, scientist, politician, diplomat—all these terms do not even begin to fully describe the amazing and multitalented, Benjamin Franklin who was of course also one of the Founding Fathers of America.
As a glimpse of life in 18th century America, it is unrivaled. An Autobiography... also provides readers with the immense possibilities that the New World holds. A poor middleclass youth, one of 10 children, whose parents could hardly afford to send him to school, who attains learning and honest employment by dint of sheer hard work can even today be said to represent the American Dream. With the publication of An Autobiography... it was possible for this new and emerging superpower to establish a history and tradition of its own.
- 00 - Introduction
- 01 - Ancestry and Early Youth in Boston
- 02 - Beginning Life as a Printer
- 03 - Arrival in Philadelphia
- 04 - First Visit to Boston
- 05 - Early Friends in Philadelphia
- 06 - First Visit to London
- 07 - Beginning Business in Philadelphia
- 08 - Business Success and First Public Service
- 09 - Plan for Attaining Moral Perfection
- 10 - Poor Richard's Almanac and Other Activities
- 11 - Interest in Public Affairs
- 12 - Defense of the Province
- 13 - Public Services and Duties
- 14 - Albany Plan of Union
- 15 - Quarrels with the Proprietary
- 16 - Braddock's Expedition
- 17 - Franklin's Defense of the Frontier
- 18 - Scientific Experiments
- 19 - Agent of Pennsylvania in London
- 20 - Appendix