The Law of Attraction
2018 March
2018 March
Subscribers may access:
25 page eBook
The Law of Attraction: The Secret to Fulfilling Your Heart's Desires Without Ever Leaving the Privacy of Your Own Mind
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
- How to harness the power of your mind to create your own destiny
- How your attitudes affect your daily experiences
- How to change those attitudes to draw what you want most in life to you rather than you to it
- The true secret to success, and
- What the people of the eastern nations have known for years that we are just beginning to figure out
This information was taught by the great Buddha himself, who said, "What you have become is what you have thought." This ancient wisdom has never lost its truth in the hundreds of years since it was first uttered, and now you can learn how to use this wisdom to help chart the course of the rest of your life.
Inside this e-Book you will learn:
- What the law of attraction is
- The history of the law of attraction
- How to use the law of attraction to make changes in your own life
- The areas of your life most affected by the law of attraction
- Why the law of attraction does not always work
- Why not everyone believes in this universal law
- What sets the Law of Attraction apart from all of the other methods of manifestation currently available on the marketplace