Membership Site Profits
2016 August
2016 August
Subscribers may access:
188 page eBook
I'll Take You Step-By-Step Through The Process
Of Creating Your Own Powerful Paid Membership Site!
....And Help You Get It Up And Running Quickly!
If you want to learn how to create a highly profitable, income-generating business with minimum start-up costs, this guide will teach you how. I don't leave anything to chance; instead, in this ebook, I teach you from the ground up, each step of the way, how to create an income stream from membership sites that will provide profits for years.
In this 180+ page course you'll learn such things as:
- How to build a successful membership site, including features, layout, and fonts-without spending outrageous web development fees.
- The top categories for paid membership sites. You'll learn which ones are 'hot' and why (including the top three, that accounted for 62% of ALL paid content revenues last year).
- Marketing trends: Learn what the potential income is, and most importantly, WHERE it's coming from.
- Success stories from top paid membership sites. You'll hear the details of those who have succeeded, and learn what makes them work (and how you can use their ideas legitimately on your own site!)
- How to create a business plan and model that really works.
- How to get feedback, and update your site to increase sales.
- How to successfully promote your site. You'll learn secrets that normally take thousands of dollars and years to learn and with these proven methods, your site will take off overnight!
- Tips for choosing the right domain name and best hosting platform to help your profits take off.
- The elements you must have for a successful site (and common mistakes to avoid).
- How much to charge, and how often to charge: find the option that's right for your site (whether a one-time fee, recurring fees, and more).
- How to create and manage private membership areas.
- Learn how to quickly and easily update your site content.
- How to increase revenue and customer loyalty by using cross-selling and up-selling tactics.
- Secrets to understanding your customers' needs and offering value-added products and services.
- Taking care of orders: You'll learn the advantages of shopping cart and catalog features, and which sites must have them (as well as how to set them up).
- I'll discuss different payment methods (and which online services are best to use), including creating site security, and more.
- Tips for promoting, tracking and managing your own affiliate program.