Website Conversion Secrets
2016 October
2016 October
Subscribers may access:
21 page eBook
“How To Make Your Website Sell Like Crazy
Here are a few more things you can discover:
- A service that allows you to locate slow loading graphics and bad links on your site...and where to get it for free.
- The one thing you have to keep in mind every time you create a website. (Hint :not everyone sees things exactly as you do).
- What type of fonts should you use online? And why? What can you learn from direct response offline marketers?
- Should you use Flash presentations on your homepage? Or not? And why? The answer may surprise you!
- Explained: The concept of "themes" in your website. What is the importance they play in your conversion rate?
- The 4 'little foxes' that can spoil the overall professional appearance of your website. Are you sure you are not making one of these mistakes as we speak?
- The common temptation that many companies fall into when creating a website...and why it can spell disaster for you. You will learn how to avoid this fatal mistake.
- What style should you use when "talking" to your visitors? Formal, informal or what? And why? So many people make this mistake it's not even funny!
- Should your salesletter use correct grammar? Or not? The answer may surprise you!