Forum Traffic Secrets
2017 November
2017 November
Subscribers may access:
16 page eBook
Use These Simple, Unique and Little-Known Forum Marketing Techniques and Be In Profit in Less Than 24 Hours- 100% Guaranteed!
Here are some of the things you will discover:
- Why forums are one of the most overlooked goldmines on the internet...
- How to use forums to find out what your market really wants to buy...
- How to pick a forum "username" that will help you make more money (short-term AND long-term).
- How to set up an effective "signature file" - very few people know how to PROPERLY use signature files...
- Techniques to use when you want to promote a product as an affiliate or even as a merchant (when you are promoting your own product).
- A sneaky trick to make more money from every single forum you visit...
- How to increase the profitability of your signature file by 200%, 300% or even 400% - instantly!
- How to use forums to instantly get up to hundreds of backlinks to your sites. Links form big authority sites (like forums) can boost your search engine rankings practically overnight!
- How to track your traffic from each individual forum you post on...
- How to draw even more attention to your signature file so you drive even more traffic to your offers.
- How to earn a living on the internet WITHOUT posting all day on forums. We are all lazy so the last thing we want to do is spend all day posting. It's about working SMART - and NOT hard.
- How to really post on forums for maximum effect...
- How to create controversy and posts that get many views (without becoming hated :-))
- How to find the biggest forums in any niche quickly and easily...
- A sneaky way to use other members of a forum so they do your "dirty work" for you. Don't worry - it's perfectly legal and ethical...